a little celebration play around

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  • Love this show!!!

  • What a superb looney tuney.

  • nice job.

  • the chord progeression you are using is awaesome. if you used electric guitars it could sound like thrash metal all the way. its sick

  • eheh :)!

  • äh Olondro ?? thanks Uprising ;)

  • Nice job finding your way around the new toys Olondro. Good work.

  • ...cause this music is not good for us, it allways make bumm bumm and reflects the sickness of the society,...its full of hate and distruction...;-)

  • First there was Travisisaboss, now DrD720. Why all the hating :')

  • now I know why all of your tracks are smelling that awful!

  • LOLLL @Olondro!! XD

  • ...this track is a pain in the ass, my grandmother can fart better!

  • hahah Oh yes @DrD720 that is sooo much better than THIS.

    Amazing Sandburgen!! Its amazing how fast you master that stuff. I just stare at it wondering "How the crap does THIS work??" :D

  • @DrD720 where is the better stuff than this ??? lol

  • hehe