Let it be known that, in reference to 3:29 , this is the only time I will ever do anything that sounds even KINDA like Future Bass.

It's not Future Bass. It's XavChop.

I swear.


Just listen to the whole track first.


With a throwback to an arp pluck sound I haven't used for months, I'm finding a lot of satisfaction noticing how much better I've gotten with using it, and Audiotool in general. But most of all, this competition has shown me the friends I've made, the people I've helped, the talent I've cultivated, and the realization that at this time, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life, and that I want to share it with all of you.

Hugs For Everyone! :D


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  • This is still one of my favorite remixes I've made, ever. It just felt right, especially the last minute of the track in it's entirety.

  • butter me

  • Nice track. I'm happy you're happy dude. Sucks that it's the opposite for me.

  • @1trillionMPH I felt that the alternative made it sound too small and unorchestrated, idk. It sounds too *close* or something without the reverb in my opinion.

  • The reverb on the short basses kinda kill the energy

  • How'd you disable the remix lmao

  • Jeezus

  • Forgot to fave...

  • Huggy huggy hug

  • @E-trim Thanks man, it means a lot when people like my music!

  • Woah ... great track dude. Good bass growls and i really like the percs in this one.

  • good track :D

    and no i dont need amberlamps

  • @kurp Sounds uncomfortable. Now the real question here is, did you like the track? (also do you need an ambulance)

  • fuck i sneezed and pinched my lung with my bones somehow