i wrote the piano using the piano preset


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  • keep experimenting on synths and continue to move away from sampling. your tracks show good potential and i expect to see more from you ;)

  • anyway, i know it seems like i'm trying to knock you down on all this stuff, but i'm not. i used to do all of this stuff (wrong voices for synths, boring beats, empty spectrum, excessive glide, silly sounding samples, nasty rasselbocking) when I started. you will improve as time goes on, but only if you decide that you want to improve. I hope you do, because i do :)

  • the bass is at a comfortable level though, and you did a good job with that because some people just like to destroy listeners' ears with 808s

  • wonderful atmosphere you create in this track.

    piano sounds a little empty, and in my opinion is too low. (maybe take it up an octave?)

    i agree with opaq the gunshots don't fit this track and sort of ruin the vibe for me

    the vocals are nice but they need some more reverb to make them seem like they're an echo or something.

    pads are pretty rough and have way too much glide.

    rassel is such an cool effect but it doesn't fit this track and like the gunshots ruin the vibe.

  • I agree with opaqity, starting at 1:06 the pads sound out of place. Its the right notes but not the right placements, i like the vibe im getting from this tho and theres defbroom for improvement. Youve got potential.

  • also, you need some bass. and the gunshots sound silly. finally, I would avoid using the rasselbock for stuff like 1:27 . rassel stutter is way overused on audiotool and doesn't really sound good :)

  • third thing: there's waayy too much glide on the chords at the section that starts at 1:03 . when it comes to hearing chords, it's the first impression that counts, there's no good first impression because you have all the notes sliding around and it's awkward to listen to

  • second thing: your beat is really thin & empty, needs something to make it stand out a little bit... it's too simple

  • first off: I know I made the "piano" preset, but it doesn't sound like a piano at all :/ if you had picked a more rich sound for it, it would sound a lot better

  • but i could give you some tips i guess

  • ur notes show good potential for the future. for now, you just need to keep experimenting & making stuff

  • I like the piano piece man. Nice melody. The last part i like a little less. Sounds a bit boring to me. Could use some minor variations to spice it up a little. But it's not bad. composition-wise u should extend it to a full track. It has potential but it still needs some more love :)

  • Yes, I am listening.

  • this is nice man. one day we should colab on something