I finally stuck to my word and made one of these, and I gotta say this is really fun lmao.

Hope you like it Jetdarc <3 and congrats!


I lied I finished most of it in one day fucc

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  • D&B time!!!

    Oh yeah!!!

  • This shit is harder than my dick when my teacher tells me to stand up in front of the class :D

  • X'D Freaking Ninja...

  • Republished

    arp, tweaked bass sound, ninja

  • dnb drums with no dnb :(

    • Yed

    • the original is 160 but it's just 80 bpm because it's in 4/2 but it's not set at 4/2

  • I LOVE THAT TEMPO DROP IN THE MIDDLE! I think you win this one.

    • Nah, there are some real talented people working on their entries, I appreciate it though <3

  • Republished

    fixed ending silence

  • Republished

    chords stuff for the second drop

  • Republished

    sound design ish stuff, tweaks, new cover that doesnt have a stock photo by it

  • This is really good, I like the slow down in the second half of the track

  • Republished

    extended, added more lil leads