Everything froze in an instant...


3/4 -

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  • Republished

    I made some major tweaks to some major elements of the track. The drums are infinitely better, the bass is more consistent in volume, and some peaks in the plucks have been reduced.

  • Republished

    Tweaks were in fact needed. I think now I'm officially done making this track.

  • Republished

    I'm calling this done here. If any tweaks need to be made, I will make them.

  • Republished

    Structure is done. Tweaks, and some transitioning needs to be done as well as mastering.

  • Space is probably the best thing to happen for ice-themed tracks on AT. Good vibes

  • Republished

    I made the mix slightly better.

  • wow

  • i super dig this track and i'm excited to hear you finish it (just add some reverb to that snare lol)

  • Nothing wrong with taking breaks, I have taken quite a few. Great track

  • Republished

    I ducked up with the length...