
1. You have to use at least one bassline for at least one bar!!!

2. Have fun!

3. Must have Synth (except for the bassline)

4. Must be titled l0l wut? (Your name Remix)


1. Follow, collab( if you want) and profile on my wall,Remix on C H I P C R A F T


3. Follow, A fav on a track of yours, and an eaten Steak.



So straight ahead the 3rd place was clear to me.

It was such a good use of the original.

3rd place goes to:


Second place goes to the amazing

@T S !!!

This was hard decision...

And the gloreous winner is...

@Sousad (Storman)


You did it again buddy!

Well done.

This track was just so listenable,

the bassline was well used, and although there were some eqing issues, this is AMAZING.

Two Sworded could have won if not for Storman. Beleave me, this was hard to decide.

I apologise for any Spellingmistakes, have a nice day.

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