slow down and relax



Keep composing and remixing...

I had fun with this contest...

Hope you like it...



@Jetdarc SAYS;

"Hello guys, i'm back at it with another remix comp! I know I said that 1000 would be my last remix comp, but I decided to just keep going because you guys seem to enjoy participating :) Now, once again, thank you all for getting me to 1.5k followers!! I'm actually surprised that i've gotten even this far, but here I am I guess LOL. Also, i'm running out of ideas for prizes so all I can really offer is money unless you guys have some suggestions.



1|Your remix MUST NOT sound identical to the original. It can sound similar, as long as its not too similar (ex: ONLY adding drums and changing the pitch, stuff like that is discouraged). I encourage you to put your own spin on it. I only added an extra pad, bass, and kick to show an example of what ideas are possible using this melody.

2|You must use the Melody in a recognizable way, nothing else in the provided draft is required.

3|Any genre, title, or cover is allowed.

4|Collaborations will be allowed this time around, but if you happen to win, it will be up to the collaborators to split the prize(s).

5|You may only republish BEFORE the remix comp ends and AFTER the results have been decided.



1st: $25, Collab, 1 thing u want (we'll see how this goes lol)


2nd: $10


3rd: $5




I will extend the date if 2 or more people ask.

Cover Credit:

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  • This is so close to being psytrance, it's alright! If you could have came up with more melodies to go throughout the track, that would have been nice.

    • I adjusted the genre and the title to ΞCLIPSΞ and DOWNTEMPO.

    • Put a minimal tag on it then; I want to try that genre one day

    • Thanks for listening. For the urpose I made it, it´s just well. I keep my stuff quit minimalistic. When I was a young boy I always adde too much. I overdid things. Today I am more efficient, more happy and more in balance. I have little time to do my wonders :-D

  • Very cool extended mix! A bit too repetitive for me, though.

    • Thanks for that feedback. It´s meant to be very repetetive as I want to use it for my meditation. It calms me down and let´s me relax. There is a even very long part with no beats.