refav for the ealrs

I was inspired by fidelity's track "socio.pass". Enjoy
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0 -
0 refav
0 refav!
1 lol i love this, too bad i can't download it, XD would love to carry it around with me
0 Are you thinking about opening to remix at any point?
1 That drop! *-*
1 nice mikke
1 very interesting....i like it
1 holy shit that bass
1 thanks bros
3 The apparent use of rasselbock in this throws off the flow in some parts of the drop for me. For example, when one of the basses pitches down it sounds odd. This is hardcore and really fun to listen to, though. :D
1 OMG that is epicly dope
3 wow
that hits hard af
0 Omg I just saw Kryptic play this, I didn't know he was alive :D :P
1 Hardcore Sounds, tha drop... i love it