I have perfect vision....


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  • Thanks man :P

  • nice!

  • Just fixed it :P

  • Haven't had time to fix yeat :?

  • And the lower end is booster alot, with some of the top end :P

  • Lol yeah I'll get on that later :P Thanks though, my headphones really suck butt so I'm kinda just going off of what you guys say now

  • U GET MEEH??? 8^0

  • (dunno if you used to different basses or the wubz' lower end is very boosted)

  • A lot better, still, some things are bothering me. You know, with only reducing the volume not all probs are fixed. I see you EQ'd some things, but with the EQ you pumped up the Final dB of most EQs, making it very dominant f.e. the bass. It's waaay to loud man. I'm saying this as an advice to maybe sidechain compress the bass to the drums, making the drums more dominant, and not the bass. Or you can decrease the lower end of the bass

  • Okay I'm done with it now :P

  • It's alot better now :P It could still use some work but I'm fine with it.

  • Oh okay :P I was thinking it was some wierd music term lol

  • SOB= Son Of a Bitch

  • Thanks guise, and sorry to sound lik a noob but what's an SOB?

  • Like the glasses :P I like the changed melody! And those wobbles :O those are perfect!!! And try compressing that SOB. EQing compressing needs done. Some sounds are nice though!! Shalom :P