mb gab... i wanted to pub it earlier but i have a bad comp

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  • idk why i bitched about EQ and frequencies 2 years ago, i barely knew them myself at that point. You got a good sound without EQing, so really yall did fantastic. It just lacks the dynamic aspect that EQing can provide

  • lol guys, i like it, i really do, but the mix is kinda terrible. First of all, only a few of your 20ish synths have effects. You'll need effects to mix sounds together well. As of how it is now, youre just throwing a bunch of raw sounds together. Please learn how frequencies work, itll help with your sound design.

    The notes are on point tho, and the timings couldnt be better, nice job tho guys :D

    • thnx! and maybe u can teach me how to learn frequencies on discord!