..glimpse of eternal enlightenment and peace..I needed to ease my stress levels... so much has been going on lately... ugh..

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  • Lovely stuff jace, you're two last tracks are sooo thrilling.

  • thank you (: !

  • beautiful track! i love your track because they inspire me so much!

  • I want your ability to express emotions in tracks, how do you do it?

    Favourite :)

  • Byurrtiful, as usual. :]

    I like your tags, too! xD

  • no problem :) I see it now actually. it was just me :) and you know me :P always honest

  • 1:40 ? 1:52 nope... it is built on the aeolian mode :p and thank you for your ever so honest feedback, I appreciate it (:

  • like your tags ;) LOVE the beats in the beginning., it has an almost hip-hoppish beat to it. I think the bass could be sidechained every quarter note or maybe its the pad... the melody I think should be a buit louder and the reverb a little less. @ 1:40 -1 i hear a wrong note? and at @ 1:52 ? I feel you, its nice to hear this after going through troubles myself as well. the weird percussion loops I hear sounds kinda brittle and bright to me, Idk its bothersome to me. its nice to hear the old you. Love it man!

  • thank you everyone!!! (:

  • beautiful

  • very peaceful!

  • incredible!

  • coolest beat :)

  • Love that simple lead with the deep pads and organic perc, cool stuff

  • btw when can we hear the results for the remix contest? ive been waiting for so long now...