This is a day we honor those who have fallen, those who are veterans, and people still serving. (I worked really hard on this.)

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  • I agree with Zone. Although it has great potential!

  • where did u get the cover, I like it for real

  • sickkk! well done

  • Wow, I'm impressed. Reminds me of some of the tinkering I do with Rassels, but you've practically got it down to a science, yo. Good job! :D

  • Republished

    Made some changes to rassel effect

  • too much rasselbock sorry, the some parts of the beat seems wierd/all over the place to me.

  • i like i like

  • I love it!

  • me like

  • This is really nice... I have a whole bunch of family members who were in the army

  • Lovely tribute. That bass is grand

    I like the cover-art for it.

  • Pretty nice. Nice intention for a track too.

    Just one thing, the Rasslebock effects seem a little much, but if that's your style, it's cool.