Some things I don't think I can forget how to do, I can forget how to make Acid, or how to play piano...I can forget music theory and the auditory sicences...I can forget my own birthday and what day it might be today...

But I don't think I can forget how to make Ambient, I do not wish to get too poetic, but it might have become something of a part of me, even if nothing comes from it, I would continue making it, even if no one listens, I would take of my time to give it birth, growth and eventual closure so I can then enjoy it.

The thrill of the creation is, of course, one of my greatest joys, the feeling of being elbow-deep in the thought process and problem solving, turning ideas into reactions like clay awating a sculptor.

Perhaps I falter, perhaps my music becomes too simple and predictable, but should the feeling remain, then...why would I panic? I have what I most desire...the feeling, thus, I have not need for much else, no matter what my mind tells me, I can feel, so I live.

Cheers, welcome back to all...

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