Hope you enjoy. Another largely piano based track.

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  • When I listened this I had goosebumps or goosepimples or gooseskin or I don't know how to say that it's so F*****G AWESOME! Downloaded immediately! Great man! You're an artist!

  • Thank you very much andremoda! I think I am trying to grow as a composer, other than repeatedly producing a I-V-VI-IV chord progression with a nice melody over it :)!

  • my god, what the hell is going on here ? sooooo many wonderfull tracks, awesome sounds, fantastic works and amazing musik ....... sometimes hard to handle all this stuff for me, okay, may i am too old (ha ha ha). GREAT TRACK !!!!!!

  • Great!.... Please listen to my latest tracks … I appreciate your attention.

  • Thank you guys! That would be awesome Olaf :D

  • I really really like this, maybe I'll do a remix (:

  • Thanks freezedried and in fact we are collaborating, this is the account: @Olaf & Hbeao Music is coming soon we hope (:

  • hbeao and olaf outstanding perfection guys your 2 last beat simply magic :) hope your going to works in team one day maybe not for ever but at last one try ...

  • WOW! That piano riff is truly amazing great work. To make it perfect I suggest a big cinematic pad/string sound at the end or with the buildups you know, but greeeeat track (:

  • the end is amazing

  • nice , look s like a track of coldplay