~In Memory of My Friend, La Catrina/Onix... I miss you so much...~

I decided to make a reprise remix of my previous song...

Onix had deleted her G+ profile... and it's unknown where she is now, though one of her G+ friends says that the outlook isn't good... at all...

So here's the reprise I dedicate to her; I just added in a thoughtful, sad sample and swapped out one of the happier samples (for example the claps) with a sadder one to reflect her (possible) demise...

[Possible, because there still may be hope within the sad guitar strings and definitely within the happy samples that are left, and especially within me...]

There is no possible... she's gone...

I edited the song once more, but that will be up to you to listen and find out...

And here's a reprise of the poem I had made for her... you'll notice why...

Oh, Onix, you're my dear friend

Oh, Cati, we were best friends to the end

you very well may be gone now

and I miss you dearly

every time I look at my nickname, I think of you.

Oh, Cati, you're my best friend

Oh, Onix, despite every bend,

you've made us all smile

you were more special than a mile

or a tile on this earth.

Dear Onix,

Dear Cati,

you were not the queen of every itch

for you were kind and very sweet

you were honest to a titch

and you were strong

stronger than you may have thought.

Dear Cati

Dear Onix

I had hoped our friendship, would last and last forever

on this, our sweet endeavor

for you, were among the rays on the sun

and I will never let those rays ever be done.


Onix.... wherever you are... even if you're not in heaven yet, [and I hope you're not and are still here with us...] I just want you to know that, despite the use of past tense in the modified version of the poem I made for you, you are still my very best friend...


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