Mostly ambient... I wanted to start with an atmosphere and switch it up with something else by the end. I fairly happy with the result =)

I was heavily inspired by Kepz's recent track here: Lake Nr. 4833 n

I thought it was great that he hadn't spent much time on it, and that spurred me on to take my idea and develop it fairly fast, by my measurement of time anyway (like less than a week).

Please criticize and let me know what you dont like about this track! Especially the sound, I have much to learn about eq...

Many, many thanks to those kind enough to listen and comment (and fav?! woa, <3) on the earlier WIP versions. And <3 thanks to @Infyuthsion for the awesome Heinsenberg presets, enhances my AT experience so much to have good sounds to start with and branch out from =D

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