Just a short video game start menu type track.

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  • sweet! love this track! you should speak more to your fans!

    • Once upon a time I let my life get ruled by a woman who I thought loved me but soon realized I was simply being used as a means to an end. I have my freedom once again and if my fans ever do return we can have long chats together.

  • I can see this on a racing game of some sort, night time track :)

  • @XxHEXOxX All according to plan!

    @tophat I'll sort it out when I'm done listening to tracks.

  • Oh yes! Stereo-enhanced...sounds of perfection... That percussion is nice! Though I do feel the intro could be shortened like 0:11 should be the start..but who am I; this is your song :)

  • -looks at track- presses play - Dog jumps out- WTF!

  • seriously - press start !

  • What should I say?

  • Nice and quiet.

  • So nice! Love those jungley drums. ;)

  • Nice

  • Magic Jungle! Love it!

  • fantastic man - smooth groovy innovative sound and perc - stunning good !