Quark is one of two basic elements that constitute matter and it is the only one of particles that interact through all four fundamental forces. Force and interaction... I imagined their sounds. Just feel.

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  • Great song.

  • There is much power in the core of matter! Listen and feel

  • So as I was saying.... you really hit the mood of the QUARK on this one I don't see why this track is not getting more attention!

    As for God being the "supreme intelligence" I must ask you : of what meaning is being the highest intelligence when you're the one who invented "intelligence" ? In the same vein, how could you "love" when you invented love? Would you not be "beyond" love? ...and "beyond" ...???

  • :) !

  • indeed we should continue ...

  • Our conversation was deep, was not it?

  • Tornsage, you spoke and said almost everything. For me, the man is his own judge … God is the Existent. He shares with us the proofs existentials…This is the existential conception of God. You can do metaphors because it is an intelligent being, you exist … If you think, you can imagine God as the supreme intelligence.

  • Yes! that is close to my “faith” if i would be so bold as to say that i have such a thing given my doubting, melancholy and sometimes cynical take. So i would call it the “source of all being” even though it invented “source” and even “inventing” – so i’m reduced to seeing god as a metaphor because god is “outside of” or “other than” or “beyond” existence. Seeing as god invented existence, god simply cannot “exist” or “love” or any other human emotion wrapped up in space-time tethers because god created or invented them all and is beyond them all – i can’t get at “god” without falling back to a metaphor that’s how high my mind forces me to posit my idea of god simply as “the source of all being” :)

  • Tornsage, I really liked how you perceived the atmosphere ...

    God is energy, primary cause of everything ... He plasma matter all the time ... And, of course, He enjoys.

  • "three quarks for muster mark" very very cool track the atmosphere you conjured is amazing !

    - we are mostly empty space which makes existence even more of an enigma...quantum physics man i don't know; if god exists he's just kidding :D

  • There is much power in the core of matter! Thanks contributors.