No sampled loops


twas created dis afternoon out of boredom

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  • bubblz you done did it again!! I love the vibes you create! very happy and different than everyone else :) you're a unique artist and I cannot wait to hear more from you! please keep writing

    the bass is nice and perfectly EQ'd, although your main synths (the chimey high notes) could be a bit more prominent. try switching the filter to High pass, and reduced the cutoff slightly, leaving the high end in, and increase the resonance to like 10-20% and that may do the trick

    • ifthat doesnt work, try adding a chorus effect or even a tubedistortion with the drive at 0 and the blend at like 10-15% and then if you need to, maybe bump the gain up a db or two on the tube

  • i Love it

  • hi im new at maing beats im a noob lmao

  • I'm no expert, but it hits pretty nice.