I don't know why but I'm afraid to actually post stuff on AT like literally after listening to the stuff that other's put out on a daily basis i end getting discouraged because everyones better at this then i am ..

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  • Ayy thats the the same photo I have on one of my songs

  • Don't get discouraged man. Everyone has trouble when they first start. Keep working at it, and someday it'll click for you, whether it takes years or days. There;s plenty of tutorials online too btw :)

  • yeee trippy stuff!

  • Jk its pretty good maybe fix the plucks a lil bit though

  • lel but the end is the best bruh

  • i think the clap shouldn't have the tail cut off

  • trippin out yo

  • Don't be afraid to upload. This chord progression is sooo good, and these synths fit in so well... And the percs are amazing.

  • Whoa. You are so underrated...

  • The description is really true, but i feel as if you did quite a better job than i could have. Cheers.

  • Ladies and gentlemen. This is what we call music.