One of my favorite tracks I've made in a while, probably sounds better on headphones

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  • that pic lol definetly saw it on my acid trip at least once

    • yeah that much is true for sure. the way the brain processes information is so crazy, i like to think that the "changes" in information interpretation are functions of brain we have evolved out of use for normally. like they may have been important to some hominid millions of years ago.

    • pretty sure it just changes the way you think and interpret information. i was very overwhelmed with thoughts to the point that its very distracting also i guess the chemical would just add noise to your senses, hence the fractals, rainbows and "echoing" sounds

    • same, its weird because I showed a picture of the mandlebrot fractal set to my friend who ive done acid with and he said he didn't see that.

      ive always thought psychedelics just effect your eyes' cones and thats what causes the geometric aspects of tripping but now I'm not sure.

  • crazy, love the compression on this

  • so good

  • This stuff should be back on charts

  • you're doing important work man

  • holy shit

  • golden ratio

  • this should be your own genre at this point



  • 2 minutes in and I got you on SIGHT