tocaknox´s "abaddon´ contest" Edit

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  • me vuela la peluca (it blows my wig) je je je... nice work

  • Интересная работа.

  • good job.

  • WE R saved

  • Good sound ! i m new here ! i follow ++

  • thats cool! really cool!

  • BTF. This track is really so gooooood ! I love it.

  • :)

  • @ PatrickPurcell: You can use it man. I'm looking forward to the result ;)

    @ dubthisdro: Thx for the critique. But I do not think you can say to you that you will be influenced by any music or "stealing" parts of this.

    @ Elektric: Cool that you like my track!

  • @dubthisdro

    Dude, you just don't know. It takes a lotta creative effort to make a truly good work. Yea, people may copy other people, but thats how music works; if it sounds good, people are going to use it...after all, first rule in jazz is borrow, copy, steal everything (musically speaking). I say props to you tocaknox, super chill track.

  • so just one thing, i might not know how to use audio as good as every one else because i have only been on it for two day's but damn every one copies every one and doesn't come up with there own stuff.. but for this song i have to say its boring.. end of story. congrates you have a critic

  • can i use this beat for a non profit rap?

  • love that bass.

  • Very good brings back some memories. There's some young/old? Laurent garnier in there. Love it

  • Yeah, subbass FTW! Cool! :)