One of my good friend's brother died of cancer a few days ago, he was 3 yeas old. This song is dedicated to him and his family.


RIP Silas


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  • Dear @Aiden , thank you for making this song ,I am Silas' brother, and I really appreciate how you thought of my brother. BTW I love this song. It is well written and tinged with emotion.

  • tbh the best track from you. Rip Silas.

  • so young

  • man, I have a lot of members of my family who have died of cancer, so I know how you feel. you have my condolences, my respect, and I know what it's like. he was only 3, so that's an incredibly young ae to die. i'm sure he would be so proud to know that there was a grea song dedicated to him.

    respect. <3

  • I find it very beautiful, you have expressed your grief through music. Beautiful melody.

  • i'ma try to remix this

  • <3

  • Coming back to this..

    So good.

    Yet so sad..


  • Sorry dude. You are real good at making music. Silas will be in my prayers.

  • i'm sorry man respect

  • respect :/

    may he rest in peace.

  • I respect the true Spartans Of America.


  • post this on my wall. this is beautiful. and im sorry.. :( thats just the worse. i lost a friend of mine as well to gun violence. it sucks. ;/

  • R.I.P


    2011 - 2014

    We'll Never Forgot Him, Also Best And Nice Track...