A wake and bump... woke up on the dark side of the bed i guess.

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  • Tell me about it

  • Nice lo-fi ish :) i like it !

  • thank you for the fav's everybody!!! :D

  • Thanks alot bro, and yea i know i should made it vary more but i made this and Possession in afew hours togther before work yesterday-lol I should go back in tho and like fix some stuff up ;P

  • sweeeeeeeeeeeet like the atmosphere this song gives. You could vary up the synth/sounds a bit more

  • good track man :)

  • and @RedRayz they sound the same cuz there like sister track in a way, there made with the same samples and kinda water synth thing i had goin on-lol :P

  • thank you friends!! :D

  • Vocals :)

  • XD nice! Sounds a lot like possessions though...

  • Good stuff nice use of the vocals.

  • Im honored sir

  • refav