Finaly done!

Only a cover is missing....

Vocals by Emilyn

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  • Nice one !

  • Nice job! The mix is a bit messy; the mids are pretty muddy. You have a lot of reverb and you should highpass them as much as you can. Love your supersaw sound

    • Thanks for the constructive criticism.

      The final mastering of a track is my nemesis. i will try your suggestions.

  • Republished

    Final version

  • Excellent

  • Chart top 3 on Trance?

    • I wouldn't complain about that :D

      But I still didn't understand how the charts are working... is it a matter of klicks or a matter of likes?????

  • Republished

    Other kick, some FX for the bass

  • Republished

    added an extra centroid for the drums;

    changed the snare, the kick, the hats;

    sent the vocals to two centroidtracks one for the left side one for the right side to get more variation. For example left side has more reverb right side more delay.

    I think I'm gettin closer to the final version but I'm still not pleased with the kick....

  • You're so good at trance

    • sidechain is a thing on my to-do-list but the vocals were not in my focus, good idea! Thanks!

    • Maybe you should use a bit of sidechain for the vocals (for example at 04:51 ), like this we could better understand it ;)

    • It's insane, you sound design improves really fast, you deserve much more for this song !

  • Republished

    The kick was a little to punchy for my taste.

    some work on the percs left...

  • getting closer to the result I had in my mind in the begining.

    The bang at the start of the break is awefull I will remove it...

  • Republished

    Changes at the break and the part after the break.

    hope the vocals wont hurt anymore...

  • ok, the vocals are hurting in the high frequencies. Needs more work on the EQ.

    The break should be much shorter.

    The part after the break is also much to long I should make a decision wich of the parts I'll keep...