This is a song I composed on a piano awhile back that's meant for those gloomy, rainy days when you can watch the beautiful grey clouds pass by and hear the rain pounding on your roof while snuggling your girl and sipping Hot Cocoa in a warm blanket.

(Wish that'd happen to me -.- )

I can NOT WAIT for those days to come back this year. *sigh* I'll probably cry tears of joy when they do.


PS: I have wind blowing and thunder rolling in the background. See if you can pick them out. ;P

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  • Thanks! :)

  • why on earth do you only do remixes most of the time? i love this! the chords and pad are very unique! everything flows very well too. i was looking through all of your remixes and FINALLY found an original work. and its great! please write more of your own music...its really good! amazing work! :)

  • Thank all you people! xD

  • oh nice^^ i think i found a great track here=)

    i will remix it soon

  • Nice work MELONADE. I like the ambiance and the gloomy melody. Wonderful description as well :)

  • cool.

  • Very cool man, where are you missing something?