This Track Is A Rare Experiment With Diferent Styles.

I Only Made The Base With Some Samples And Filters! n_n

@no longer use | goodbye Add Some Samples.

@Smily Add Notes And Rasselbock Effects.

@SouthBronxDen Add A Little Keyboard Near The Outro.

@kung pao Only Accepted The Invitation But Is My First In This!

I Really Enjoy Working With This Cool Dudes,

I Hope You Enjoy This, Thanks All... n_n

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  • I still love this.

  • nice

  • U are Right Cripta, UC make it the way u had it

  • Ok thanks guys for oriented me in this, really appreciate, your warnings one question and remove this track! thanks n_n

  • you view different points...but there is just one point ABUSE COPYRIGHT stop!

    offebeatninja uploaded the sample but you know it's a famous insted of use it....flag it as copyright (that's what it is supposed to do for being a member of a comunity)

    you are free to use all the samples you want....but not samples stolen from famous grandmother know Change feat Luther Vandross - The Glow of Love too ;)

  • it's not about you creativity, you break the law dude.. the website can take for you because of those rights you broke

  • ok, I view different points, thanks you for the critics maybe I lost the creativity, I will try not use samples in my next tracks, for a better of my skills thanks! n_n

  • again you stole track dude... :( too bad you have wonderful synth here why you do that ?

  • Where is it?

  • why you guys don't download ableton ??? so you are free to do what you can also remix luciano pavarotti without any risk ;)

  • Wait he used samples...

  • i don't think GEMA will give us a chance ;)