The party never stops here!


3/13 -

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  • i am in love with this

    if you wanna hear trash my friend check out my crap XD

    your stuff is lit.....i envy it

  • holy fuck this is some guud old school complextro <3333

  • Republished

    IT'S FINIIIIIIIIIIISHED! AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!! After 6 months of procrastination, and frustration, I have made Electro House XD

    • Congrats! Sounds awesome!

    2 more
  • I know you have had a love/hate relationship with this song, but holy crap you have outdone yourself once again! Keep up the good work Velo

  • bass is so throaty eee refave even tho wip

  • Republished

    I am so FUCKING done with this track... I need to do mix stuff still. It's TRASH, but the structure is done. I'm not doing any more to that.