This was meant for the dub techno competition. I realized it wasn't sounding like proper dubtechno tracks and was more trance than techno, so I left it for later.

No samples here..

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  • calming, but at the same time really fun :D

  • I was listening to this earlier in the car

  • this is great

  • Thanks!! :)

  • i would totally put this in the background of my school presentations... Its great!

  • Boring? Go listen to some progressive house. That gets boring. I like this song. it has a nice slow pad in it and it reminds me of summer.

  • thank you

  • love these calm tones

  • Classic beat, lush spacious pads, such warmth, brings fourth memories of good times. just amazing :)!

  • So smooth, those chords are just beautiful

  • thanks jace. lol yeah maybe it needs a rework with better drums and better mastering.

  • I've never been the fan of 808 cymbals..they sound so cheesy to me lol

    Love the synth work and openness of this... AND THE BASS WORK.... the bass has beautiful rhythm and melody to really keep this track sounding spacy and airy while being groovy and dancey all at once

    wonder track!

  • absolutely beautiful.. :)

  • you flagged this as "boring" and "repetitive", but there is no way to dislike this