I measure my baounciness in khaumpreashauwn m8. The baounciness starts at 3.38 .

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  • 3:38 too much compression


  • This bounciness plays with my head.


  • The part at 3:38 still makes me super emotional. It sounds best with its current Baounsciness (I opened it up and unBaounscified it and it doesn't sound as good).

  • Rhieahzults arrrr!! aot! Khaungrahdjulayshauwns twoo yhoouh, phour yhoouh halph one!

  • It's reversed, but I also changed a slight bit of the lower notes so it would fit better with the bass.

  • I realized that that lead arp thing was simply reversed. I never knew that reversing could produce such interesting results. Thanks for showing me; I'll be reversing patterns more in the future.

  • Webster says differently! LOL!- Rick

  • Messed up my brain!

  • 'kin hell!! (m8!)...makes me sea sick :)!

  • Are you sure Rick? I'm almost positive those words are spelled correctly!

  • You misspelled "bounciest" and "remix"! Just helping a sister out! - Rick Astley

  • Noicee! (m)80's.

  • dat bounce


  • pcool, Synty!