Alright, it's been two weeks since my last song, so here's something new for you guys! I know it's repetitive, but remember this is meant to be rapped or sung on, as most of my songs are. You might want to put on some good headphones or earbuds- you know, so you can hear the 808 and enjoy the track overall. Free DL. Don't be afraid to show some luv. Enjoy!

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  • this has a low, dark groove that i could voice over on...i need to start making a list...

  • That's more like it

  • gunna go play hunting

  • Bro I'd need your help :P the bass you use with your kick, can you tell me how you do it ? :P it's awesome :)

    and, verry nice track ;)

  • Real awesome trap the snares are to nice!!

  • Nice track, how did you get those vocals?

  • Awesome song! But, maybe trying to branch out to different genres for your songs isn't such a bad idea! 'Cause this trap/rap thing is awesome but... I want to listen to something new & fresh because although they are AWESOME, all of your songs sound sort of the same. CarlosFA Rating: 4 1/2 stars

  • I want to remix this /;

  • Good! Try to search somebody who can rap and then do a collab

  • this is nice man i wouldnt mind pairing up to do a track sometime in future :)

  • Nice man!

  • Very nice! -- are you gonna rap over this?

  • This is a beast Trap song!!!:)

  • Your songs are so good man! This sounds so professioanl.

  • i like the trap! i think you could bring out the bass a little, but the drums are perfect!