Still something to accompany the end of the day, or its beginning

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  • i feel like u would enjoy alva noto & ryuichi sakamoto's music

    dont normally suggest music to feel like you would be into their stuff

    • oh interesting! thats very cool, and np :)

    • I know Ryuichi Sakamoto especially for 'Forbidden Colours' with David Sylvian. I recommend David Sylvian's album 'Secrets of the Beehive' and the song on the Rain Tree Crows (Japan) album 'Every Colour You Are'. I am not familiar with Alva Noto's discography, but from what I have listened to carefully, I like him very much. Thanks Vista <3

  • lovely atmos !

  • Wow.

  • The rithm adds a great feelling, göd job:~)

  • Very nice !

  • your guitar stuff is always so lovely <3

  • i love ur experiments. ur experience is visible in every work. a wonderful artist!