Neo you're an inspiration <3

Also would especially love some crit for this one. Trying out new speakers and new ideas

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  • pretty sure i was on the fox stevenson wave when I made this lol

  • <3

  • this is fucking dope wtf

  • How people even go from the original to things like this, I'll never know.


    I need teaching.

  • still love this

    • ah thanks so much man! Ill try to go back and remaster and spice it up a bit more. Most definitely not my best work.

  • Please could you do an extended mix of this track, 2 minutes seems too short for such good sound.

    • sure, I will look forward to hearing it when its republished

    • I most likely wont make an extended mix because of the fact that AT just can't really handle full tracks like this but, I probably will go back and make some changes to the parts i feel are lacking

    • haha thanks. Im not very comfortable putting this one out in the world. Looking back on it, its got a few problems. For instance, the build-up doesn't have anywhere near as much power and movement that it should have, and while I do like the intro bass too, it's a tad bit too loud. Also the intro bass is a little too close to the main bass in the drop.

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  • I am amazed at this great sound. Could you give me some tips on how to produce such a megga bass

    • also the key to phat bass is all in the mixing ;) if you can make nice, prominent sub bass, it'll make anything sound good

    • go for it dude

    • Thanks, I had a look at your track and notice you have saved your synth presets onto the main cloud, so thank you. Hope you don't mind if I use some of your synth presets in my future tracks. Your track layout has also inspired me :-)

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  • Amazing remix! You keep improving with each track and i like it alot! Keep working hard bro! :D

  • Really liking this man, never thought i'd see you doing bass house haha. Whats down is really good, would certainly keep a dancefloor busy, but, just as a preference i'd prefer a little more timbral variation/instrumentation throughout the track, like in the main drop, so to speak, a couple more layers would really help fill out the sound youre going for! :D

    • oh ok i see. probably still going to do some research on it just out of curiosity lol

    • basically just more synths and more variation in those synths

    • honestly timbral isnt even a word, its the only way i could think to phrase it haha

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  • inb4 vulkron

  • definitely going to do some tweaking to this one

  • Dope!

  • this is awesome!

  • well gosh darnit i cant NOT move to this!!!