wonder, wander...

listen in full if you can. take the time to slow down...

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  • one of the classics! ;)

  • absolutely gorgeous <3

  • Monstercat? monstercat would never upload this. *barfs*

    I can see the e-mail in my head now.

    "Sorry, your track is lovely, but it's too creative. Apologies."

    10 more
    • i remember this song. the drums were a key part of the experience

  • gosh i remember this

  • good!

  • coming back

  • fuck i remember this releasing

  • there is something about this song that always brings me straight back and grounds me. so so grateful for this one

  • coming back to this im like "damn this blew up"

  • damn

    i still have absolutely no idea what sparked the stupid popularity of this track. i remember it got 100 faves in just over a day and was at the top of the charts for weeks on end. I think audiotool was broken the day i published this

    • I still have this downloaded on my phone and listen every now and again. It's a great track, well put together - soulful, relaxing and contemplative. Not many tracks can capture a feeling like this song does you should be proud.

    • It really is one damn special track, the endings of the melody of each bar fading out and the difference of those 3 notes and the previous one, adding chords and bass, is something I don't hear a lot. It's a really soft and subtle response filling a relatively sad track with a sigh of relief. I feel that way every time I listen to this.

    • Really? To me this is still the best track ever made on here! I had so many nice moments walking alone in nature with this track...it`s just perfect!

  • refav, the synths sound like boards of canada to me i love it

  • Because thanos sniped you away

  • coul listen on repeat for days

  • refav