For the album. Fun fact: no distortion pedals were used anywhere in the song. Look at the assets, there is no Tube, not even on the main bass.

Some republishes to come soon.

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  • probably gonna cut this one out of the album, it just doesn't fit the tone of literally all the other tracks

  • cool one

  • Does this make anyone else's left ear feel weird? For some reason the headphones I usually produce with sound weird in the left ear when I listen to this but not my other headphones. Maybe it's the phaser on the lead?

    • maybe I drained too much high end because I had a headache at the time lol

    • boi sounds like one of those 8d audio videos on youtube lmao

  • I think the intro would be better without percussion. I'm really not a big fan of that hat. I think it needs to be layered with something else to give it enough girth to fit in with the track. There are actually a lot of places you have percussion that I think the track would be better with no percussion at all. I don't like how washy the snare is in this track either. These are really percussive basses so the percussion being so washy makes it feel like they're fighting for the same space.

    • The basses are really cool and I especially like that bell effect.

  • my latest track "Ritual" has 0 Tubes as well :)

  • kinda makes me think a D-Jahsta a bit

  • nice man! that lead bass reminds me of Pilgrims track, cant remember what its called

  • very dark, i dig it

    • I read that as "very dank" lmao