Hey there! this is my first time making a beat in abt two years, i wanna know what u think i should add and give me tips on how to get better! :)

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  • how to get better? Idk even where to start as this is very raw and underdeveloped, which there's nothing wrong with. that's why we're here to give crit. I just want to let you know it's not easy to give pointers on a 30 second loop.

    For what it is, it's neat, I like that you're using the Bassline machine. that's a really versatile toool that can make some cool patterns if you learn to use it fully.

    • alr ty :) i felt like it was missing a whole lot of smth but i had no clue how to fix it but ill try out the effects and hopefully ill get better :) ty for not being mean and saying like "oh this sucks you should give up" etc :)

    • Your drums are flat and default. Try using effects on your drums sounds or utilize the built in filters to get more out of your samples.

      add more instruments, more sounds. Add sound FX, fill in those empty spaces. Get a melody going to drive the song forwards, and then build verses and choruses around that. Do any of these things and you'll notice some differences

  • tbh its better than some of my music

    • dihwdoiwhd thank you :) but nah no way lmfao i only used the machinsite and i barely know how to do that :')