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  • pro composer here

  • omg I love this. Much love man :( <3

  • Grazie a tutti. - Thank you all.

  • amazing :)

  • some skill get some sci-fi sound design game and ur xtrullor

  • Holy shit I was not expecting this from you. Woah

  • I thought this genre liked a lot to the new generations, and that this track would have attracted much more attention.

    • Yes. On the other hand I think that the categorization of the chart by gender allows greater exposure to producers of less massive genres. And that's very good ;-)

  • This is Apotheosic

  • .....however always Thank you all for your appreciation and support.

  • holy shit!

    • Sndbrgn is right, too many percussion on top of each other, I got carried away, in fact at one point I found myself in big problems with the output volumes, I have not managed to regulate them, and he's right to say that it's too much noisy.

      But anyway it makes the sense of power I wanted to impress them.

      Always Thank you all for the support,

    • Sndbrgn ha ragione , troppe percussioni una sull'altra, mi son fatto prendere la mano, infatti ad un certo punto mi sono trovato in grossi problemi con i volumi di uscita, non son riuscito più a regolarli, e ha ragione a dire che è troppo rumorosa.

      Ma comunque rende i senso di potenza che volevo imprimergli.

      Sempre Grazie a tutti per il supporto,

    • "for me" ;)

    2 more
  • Happy Darwin Day! Hope all is well with you there even through the difficulties you have with the app :) Great track as always. Kind of a funny title though, right?

    • Stai tranquillissimo Drone, assolutamente nessuna offesa, io sono radicalmente ateo.

    • Very quiet Drone; no offense, I'm an atheist.

    • just thought if one believed in an omnipotent, omniscient God, it would be arrogant (funny) of the believer to attribute arrogance to the divine. and if one did not believe, then it would be funny because then the one who says the "arrogance of God" is speaking of the arrogance of an invention of their own mind or at least their own human culture. maybe more i meant drole rather than funny? hope i didn't offend. i always appreciate your thoughtfulness and deep feelings. love you brother :)

    1 more
  • Amazing track ... It's so powerfull. Your other tracks mostly can be listenend to as background music, but this one is screaming for attention and is very present.

  • this is genuinely incredible, everything is so impactful it feels like a medieval soundtrack or something real dark and gritty love this

  • Kind of vicking electro metal sound. Unusual for AT, great! So dramatic

  • Republished

    Troppe percussioni, impossibile regolare i volumi di uscita.

    Too many percussion, it is impossible to adjust the output volumes.