If you don't like the beginning, skip to 2:21 , it sounds more like what you would expect from me...


Thanks a lot @Icebox and @Brooklyn04 for the inspiration, you both have beautiful voices ! Everybody, be sure to check out their other work !


I eventually decided to publish this remix, because it was quite a lot of work, and it had some good ideas. Although tbh i'm not very proud of this, there are huge mastering issues, the drums are lame, but actually i felt like i couldn't do much more with it, idk... So feel free to rework this, i'll be happy to hear that :)


As always, any feedback would be appreciated ! Cheers ;)

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  • I was browsing through your tracks because ofc, who doesn't listen to tim. And then I saw the screenshot and was like, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS MAN AND THAT CHAIN OF SPLITTERS AND MERGERS XD

    • damn it's nice to know that hahahaha, tho I'd just attatch all my synths to a main centroid and automate the gain. idk if that's wrong but yah XD

    • actually if you're curious, you'll see that in a lot of my old tracks, i have this long line of splitters :p

    3 more
  • I don't really want to criticise this song because the original is great and this is brilliant but I do feel like this song feels, not really empty, but to quote you, it doesn't sort of surround me and maybe (I don't really know) be a bit mono

    • Yeah I see what you mean, there are big mastering issues, I said I was going to fix it but I never did

  • I love the slap bass

  • vocal chopping and ear candy on point


    lol I'm fanboying too hard XD

  • Beautiful voices!

  • what a blast!

  • Nice sounds and ideas! Maybe it'd work if you eased off on the compression, then if any levels or EQs need adjusting, they'll stand out more. Then you could compress everything to your heart's content again. May or may not work lol just what I do first when one of my mixes needs tweaking

    • No problem, still sounds great!

    • yeah that's definitely what i'm going to do ! Thanks a lot for that tip ;)

  • great track i really enjoyed this one!

  • wooooowwww!

    6 more
  • I actually rlly like this an idk why but something is bothering me try to figure out what but can't find it

    Also working on Remix haha c:

    • lol we were off tune for some notes in this one XD but yah, I think EQ? anyways, awesome track!!!!

    • I was more talking about my equalizing, at some points you can't hear the vocals well

    • Yeah I agree, I think it is because he vocals are not hitting certain notes, creating a dissonance in the mix.

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  • I really like how the very beginning has a voice change. It makes the song seem more natural, good job on this!

  • let's get this on the chartssssss, Tim deserves it!!!!!

  • dammnnnnnnn boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

    • let's hope it will bring more visibility to your tracks also

    • np, it's a masterpiece hahahaa

    • I'm glad you like it ! Thanks for the vocals !

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