Remix a song for an EP

In this draft you can 9 find stems at 3.5 minutes each.

You can do whatever you want with them: cut them, pitch them, distort them, play them backwards or sideways ... There are no limits to your creativity.

Once you have finished your remix, you can submit it here:

Have fun and good luck!

The stems are exclusively for use in the remix contest and within the Audiotool context. They are the property of the band Inspectre

Well here's my remix. I went freestyle with no particular structure so every part of the song is different

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  • Your buildups are so good! and the way you ended off the track was awesome. I also like the chords you chose in the beginning, it makes the song feel a lot more uplifting

    My favorite part starts at 1:21 , that build up flowed into the drop really nicely. The drop itself was really groovy. Honestly, the whole second half of the track was really cool

    • That happens for me too, the second part almost always feels more developed after I finish a track haha

    • Haha thanks! I definitely think I got into the zone when making the second half, it just feels a lot more lively.

  • Republished

    Woops needed more gain on the master output