I know I've been on the dark side, but I'm definitely still here. Lot's of things going on in life!

Yes, this is me with the vocals. Don't judge, there's only so much that mixing can do to make a voice sound better (and I don't work with vocals anyway LOL).

Big credit to the person from whom I kindly "borrowed" the samples. Just happened to come across them while browsing.



One two, stepping on through the time that I thought it could last. I could never be, anything, try to be, everything. Never could find the words to make you laugh. And I broke down bad, tears falling on the floor when you left me. Walked out, closed that door. It was never enough, you had what you wanted. All that you had you took it for granted. Aching. Bitching. Bashing. Clashing. Disengaging. Aggrivating. Cultivating my own breaking resolution for the taking.

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  • I've always really liked that chord progression

    • I completely forgot about this track, haha. I think I had found samples on the sample browser and tried to improvise off them.

  • What's a nice comment I can give this track?

    Good job, I like this track.

  • Nice work