my voice and a simple beating of a plastic tube is all that is used here.

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  • Hey Robert, first,good job for this track very good.

    But also, a thousand excuses for not having listened to your tracks. It is not voluntary. But also a big thank you for your fav on my last track.

  • damn crazy !

  • Differently GOOD:)

  • Very interesting sir! I like the use of the plastic tube ;D

  • I'm sure I said this before but you're one crazy mutthafu... ;)

  • Very unusual and unique ,,good job pal!! ;)

  • (to end my previous comment) =bloody hell that sound like a old video game pff very hard to reach they end ..:)

  • i sunk into andre album i thought i could take a brake and listen your thing along the way LOL nice one very scary thing ....