
21 Followers 70 Following Joined about 11 years ago

just enjoying the program ^^. dnb, trance and random other stuff

most of my work is unfinished but i want to motivate myself to finish it so i put it on my wall!!!

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  • ty for the follow :)

  • um, i can look it up...once i do, i can probably recreate sm sounds for it..lol, but i dont think ive ever listened to that

  • u go to the "drafts" part of the AT site...(u will see the word draft right next to tracks) and then u will see all ur non pubbed songs...u click on one and say invite, up in the top right corner...then look up the name of who u want...then click add...and there u go

  • yo, if u ever want, i can invite u to smthing (name a genre) and ill try to help u out and show u stuff

    • trouwens, als je dnb wil maken, ik heb een template gemaakt! link is in de discriptie van de track!

  • ho lee shit are you savont in disguise

  • thanx for the follow :)

  • haha if you're dutch i'm gonna lose it. that name doe.

  • Are you following what I'm listening too.... if you are...

    its ok, i don't care, I'm not concerned

    thx for the follow btw

    • im new in exploring the comunity i just check what others are listening to and if i like it i folow them. your musisc is dope man!