How to enter the audiotool charts?

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I want my tracks to enter the audiotool charts

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  • can someone go check out my stuff then? it's just trap music but they really are chart -worthy...

    • bUt why i don't really see the point in it. you don't really gain much. that's why i just focus on making good music, like look at luxior or "looks" and opaqity, i freaking love their songs. but they weren't trying to be popular, they just made good tunes

    • yea.. i do have soundcloud, and i do have some posted, but i just wanna chart on audiotool . like just as a beginner in the fame process lmao

    • yeah i guess you're right. if you wanna be popular then i suggest moving to bigger platforms like soundcloud. you can still use audiotool, but soundcloud has more people in it.

    2 more
  • I've been on here for six years, and I think I was only on them 1 time back when I first started. It sucked. I was terrible at that time as I was just on here experimenting with things. I'm a lot better than I was, thanks to a music teacher from OSU... Mike Gamblin.

    As for getting on here now, it's much harder, especially because I absolutely love modular sounds... which doesn't seem to be terribly popular right now, though it is gaining traction. I try to capture the sound here on this daw. Praise be to the god emperor of IDM, Aphex Twin! Anyway, more people have joined since I was on. A LOT MORE. So it may take more than a few of your friends in order to get where you want to be.

    I don't really have friends, and I just took a year off of music, so I'm stuck doing things the old fashioned way, which is just hoping I'll get somewhere eventually. I know it isn't much, but I do have a soundcloud account. My main goal right now is to just become the best I can be, and move beyond that. And I've found that youtube is utterly priceless when it comes to learning tips and tricks of how to manipulate your sound better as well as mastering it.



  • how do i get them to like my track ppl on here are mean they say no

    • Make good tracks lol

  • then you'll have to make a song that gets enough attention to get on either the daily, weekly, or monthly charts

    Songs get on the monthly charts when they reach a hundred or so favorites, and also if they are consistently getting plays, comments, and favorites for an extended amount of time on that track. It mostly comes down to favorites though.

    • or maybe staff review

    • And because of this algorithm 90% of trash charts. Hope that AT team will invest more time to make it more complex and more criteria will be added for music to really get on charts.