one thing I cant do.

every time I do, Im always in a bad mood or just completely quiet

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  • everything technical about this is great, i just find that you didnt set the mood well with your mixing, if that makes sense. your drums are great, but in something like this they arent blending well with the actual vibe of the track (if you dont know what i mean, i could place any sample behind the drums and it would be fine)

    • I already knew bout the velocity trick. I did in one of my songs

    • i thought bout tht but since the hats was already low, I left it the way it is

    • Also, start messing with the velocity of notes in your percussion, like with your hats make the velocity lower, in order to give it a more natural less-mono feel. but youre definitely on your way man if you keep it up (this was some advice i got from ford, and it makes a world's amount of difference)

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