I was kinda going for a relaxing chillstep kind of style but it turned into this

let me know what you think and if this song is singable/could have vocals in it

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  • I like it

  • Yeah this could have some vocals but not very loud ones.

  • amazing

  • Needs some backround, but the chords are on point. Some are a bit iffy.

  • this is a cool track you have here. thanks for the follow also

  • the title is awesome

  • If you have a problem with machinist being to loud, put a compresser on it. You can also get soft drum samples like mine: DJW Kick search that and you'll get a couple but some of them are too soft

  • I usually use the machinist for more exciting/complex beats but this song was supposed to be relaxing/simple I just didn't think it was necessary to use it

  • Nice, but you should not use the beatbox for yuor drums. Use a Machinist (is that spelt right?)

  • sick