following the BT series

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  • awesome track and concept, FBS. love that 303!! :)

  • But i'm digging this track so I'm coming back for another listen (and fav...)

  • ah, got you. Too bad I know nothing about MIDI xD

  • thanks guys.... for this one, as maybe some of you have noticed, i've mixed in live : i've pressed the red dot and go on.... maybe i should practice this technique on other techno tracks and maybe perform one in live... this can be cool !! but i defintely need some midi device.... with only the computer and my finger it's impossible to adjust all the things.

  • hell yes! So good so clean so smooth:D

  • Cool.

  • coool!

  • well... thanks guys ;-)

  • nice sounds m8 ! cool !

  • What a pro song! You're good man, you're good

  • and another good song. it seems so simple as you heard.

  • great intro

  • N1m8, cool club track:)!