So this took only a few hours to make and about double that time to evaluate it to see if I should publish it and what to change. It was awesome making this song and I had TONS of fun.

This song is made for my youth in an announcment video that they wanted.

This is very much a song that you could dance to and I encourage you to ;) Enjoy!

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  • Hi, I was wondering since I hear this track if i will take it to do a song and i will give you the credits of composer. Btw i love it so much

  • Thanks guys!

  • This is awesome! :D

  • love the melodies!!

  • Thanks!!! :) i like it too. And the announcements are gonna go geeat and were using this one!

  • Some of the synths in this are really buzzy, but I like the melodies and harmonies and flow of it. I like it makes me want to dance very optimistic, I especially like the end when the beat falls out. I think its a similar chord progression to "clocks" by coldplay, it has that kind of sound but is a lot more techno. Like it a lot :)

  • Thanks you two!!! Its more like just happy music not really electro hahah but thanks!!

  • i love i love i love this! you are very good at making happy electro music and i really think thats cool. its not my type of music but i can listen to this without getting annoyed at all. (usually i get annoyed by cheerful electronic music but not this) awesome work! :)


  • Thanks :D

  • Dafuq? I remember faving and commenting on this a lot :')

    Guess none of it went through. Anyway man, love it! :)

  • in like a minute :P

  • opened up for downloads!

  • Yeah this is a good song for driving in an unfamiliar city at night with your friends in my opinion because that is the feeling it gives me. Awesome job!!!!!