like 10 mins on the clock bro im rushing so hard its not even funny and its like 50 mins past bedtime im sneaking

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  • holy crap this is clean

  • Who forgets to put a impacts in the drop like even when you're rushing it's not really a bother and it's like one of the first things you do like wtf.

    • the drop is very succ

    • Well yeah, especially in your case, cuz the drop is kinda succ. Like I can't headbang to this. Adding impacts gives it punch, it's always something you do, it's like adding a chants or an arp bro.

    2 more
  • Also the ride isnt coming through well on a mono speaker i hate rushing stuff

  • i didn't even place haha wow this is really shit

  • Project Epsilon - You Died (VIP) probs xD

    • u know if u do make a Vip of you died u shld call it. "You YoY'd"

    • but still this is gold

    • Dood i was in a rush my mom took my computer cord so i couldnt upload samples either i just threw in you died and kept on going

  • i feel like their is something missing in the drop

  • Nice.

  • wow dude great job

    it's like you died and yoi-ed but simultaneously

  • i spent like 5 hours on this the rush was real