You already heard this but im just posting this unfinished rubbish on SC

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  • bro this is so sick I should get back into making dubstep and electronic and im sad audiotool updated where I turn on and off auto save I loved turning it off the manualy saving as I go I was almost done with a all hand made billie eilish Bad Guy dubstep had my friend sing parts and something glitched and the whole thing deleted 8 months of work it autosaved and the back button wouldnt work so I lost the whole thing audio tool wont even let me save a copy of it

  • i should get back into stuff other than hip hop beats, thought you deleted your acc for a second scared me

  • YOY

  • Did ya make this with FL Studio?

  • Gooooood stuff though

  • this is kind of chill but intense at the same time <3

  • Barely alive?

    1 more
  • just saying it again, super sick

  • "someone help me"

    • you didn't really need help. you never do. you got music prod. in the bag my g

    • Well done