Alright. This might probably my last full-lenght release of 2014, named Just enjoy (the simple things). It is based on a demo I started long ago (a year ago, maybe) and released a bunch of months ago. Since then, I extended the demo into this thing you see here.

When I started to make the demo, I decided to do a song without any kind of samples (e.g. drum shots, vocal shots, etc), and ever since then, I tried to avoid using samples as I worked on this song for over a year or so.

As you can see, this isn't my best thing, but at least I tried to do... someting, I guess. There's the possibility of future versions of this song, like "U Will Be"'s case.

Last track of my debut album, SkySeaLandFlames, available this Christmas or somethinglike that. As always, share and comment this thing because viva la feedback.

Alright. See you later and Merry Kevvsmas! -lm35/375

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  • @Wrighteous Besides, I wanted to make a song using absolutely no samples.

  • @Wrighteous I started this song over a year ago, where my songs didn't sound like the stuff I upload on AT these days.

  • It sounds like you've compressed your percussion which isn't so great. The whole point of compression, as far as I know, is to give your kick (or percs in general) more impact and give the track a really strong sense of drive. It's a little fix that would really improve this in my opinion.

  • Faq, that chord progression is dank af

  • Santa, you lived up to your name.

    Best. Present. Ever.

  • Hey look a new LM35 track! :D

  • I do like these chords. nice stuffs.

  • except the kick is sidechaining itself, sounds nasty.

  • So is this track.

    thx for the gift santa.

  • Zebras are cool.

  • Haha, 'nuf jokin around.

    0:31 - 0:47 is really good.

    I love your chord progressions you're using! :) <3